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Busting Bunion Myths: What to Know About Treatment Options

Busting Bunion Myths: What to Know About Treatment Options

Bunions are bony protrusions on your big toe joint that can cramp your style, from causing pain and stiffness to another condition called hammertoe. Here we offer education on bunions, debunk oft-heard myths about them, and outline treatments.
Jun 18th, 2024

4 Telltale Signs of PAD

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) affects 20 million Americans, putting them at risk for heart disease and stroke. Learn about PAD’s link to diabetes, how to spot key symptoms, effective treatments, and more, here.
Apr 17th, 2024

Try These Activity Modifications to Relieve Your Neuroma Pain

Whether you’re performing everyday activities or playing a favorite sport, neuroma pain that radiates from the ball of your foot can stop you in your tracks. Learn how to relieve your neuroma discomfort and complement your podiatrist’s treatment.
Mar 8th, 2024

Flat Feet and Achilles Tendonitis: What’s the Connection?

Flat feet and Achilles tendonitis are both painful foot conditions, but did you know one condition can put you at increased risk for the other? Learn more about both conditions, the relationship between them, and effective treatments, here.
Feb 1st, 2024
What Can I Do About a Recurrent Ingrown Toenail?

What Can I Do About a Recurrent Ingrown Toenail?

The intense pain, swelling, and other symptoms caused by an ingrown toenail can make life miserable pretty quickly. Learn why some people keep being plagued by them, steps to take to prevent them, and effective treatments, here.
Jan 9th, 2024
How to Avoid Recurrent Achilles Tendonitis

How to Avoid Recurrent Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis causes painful symptoms that can be life-limiting. If you get diagnosed with the condition and receive treatment, is there anything you can do to discourage it from returning? Learn the answer to this and other questions, here.
Aug 8th, 2023
3 Early Signs of Bunions and How to Treat Them

3 Early Signs of Bunions and How to Treat Them

If you have tenderness at your big toe joint or you notice a bump forming, you may have a progressive deformity called a bunion. Learn what causes bunions, what symptoms to watch for before a bump develops, and effective treatments, here. 
Jun 2nd, 2023
What Happens if Athlete’s Foot Is Left Untreated?

What Happens if Athlete’s Foot Is Left Untreated?

Athlete’s foot doesn’t just affect athletes, and its resulting itching and rawness can set you back. Getting it treated quickly is important, since ignoring it can lead to serious problems. Learn more about prevention, complications, and help, here.
May 9th, 2023
Best Ways to Prevent Hammertoe

Best Ways to Prevent Hammertoe

Hammertoe is a painful and aggravating condition where your middle toe joint points upward rather than lying flat. In addition to hurting and causing other problems, it’s unsightly. Learn how to prevent hammertoe as well as treatments that can help.
Apr 4th, 2023
5 Telltale Signs That You Have a Neuroma

5 Telltale Signs That You Have a Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a painful foot condition typically described as feeling like a pebble is constantly jabbing the bottom of your foot. Learn about the top symptoms to watch for, as well as the effective treatments we offer.
Mar 13th, 2023
5 Problems Custom Orthotics Can Resolve

5 Problems Custom Orthotics Can Resolve

Custom orthotics are medical devices that are customized for your feet and your feet only. They provide relief from a host of foot problems and help prevent others. Learn more about them and common but life-limiting foot problems they can address.
Jan 9th, 2023
When to Consider Podiatherm for Nerve Pain

When to Consider Podiatherm for Nerve Pain

Two of the most life-altering and uncomfortable foot conditions — plantar fasciitis and Morton’s neuroma — can really lower your quality of life. If conservative treatments don’t help but you want to avoid surgery, check out an innovative treatment.
Dec 8th, 2022
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Swollen Legs

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Swollen Legs

When are swollen legs a serious problem? When they’re a symptom not of overdoing it with exercise, but of peripheral artery disease, or PAD. It’s an underdiagnosed, but serious condition that can quickly lead to severe complications. Learn more here.
Nov 7th, 2022
What Problems Can Flat Feet Cause?

What Problems Can Flat Feet Cause?

Flat feet, or fallen arches, can be unnoticeable, or they can cause pain and other complications. Learn about flat feet, advanced treatment, and how treatment can prevent further problems.
Sep 7th, 2022
How Does Vascular Testing Work?

How Does Vascular Testing Work?

Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, develops when fatty plaque accumulates in your arteries, narrowing them and putting you at risk for serious conditions. Learn about testing that leads to diagnosis, treatments, and prevention strategies.
Jul 1st, 2022
How Peripheral Artery Disease Is Diagnosed

How Peripheral Artery Disease Is Diagnosed

Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, is a condition that causes pain and mobility problems and puts you at risk for heart attack and stroke. Learn about its symptoms, how it’s diagnosed, and why it’s critical to manage it.
Jun 1st, 2022
What to Expect During Your Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery

What to Expect During Your Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery

Even though your Achilles tendon is sturdy, it’s vulnerable to overuse and injury. If conservative treatments don’t work, surgery may be required to get relief. Learn how to prepare for Achilles tendon repair surgery and what it entails here.
May 1st, 2022
Orthotics Can Help Resolve Many Problems

Orthotics Can Help Resolve Many Problems

Orthotics are shoe inserts that can treat and ease the symptoms of a multitude of foot problems. There are two types of orthotics, and your podiatrist can determine which is best for you. Read on to learn all these medical devices can do.
Apr 4th, 2022
Lifestyle Tips for Managing Gout

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Gout

Gout is characterized by sudden, agonizing joint pain — usually in your big toe joint — and a host of other unpleasant symptoms. Your podiatrist can offer treatments, but the lifestyle habits you adopt play a large role in keeping attacks at bay.
Mar 2nd, 2022
Did You Inherit Your Recurring Ingrown Toenail Problem?

Did You Inherit Your Recurring Ingrown Toenail Problem?

Ingrown toenails may not sound serious, but the pain they cause is excruciating. They can get infected too. Learn about the risk factors for this problem, including a hereditary one, as well as successful treatments.
Feb 1st, 2022
How Your Diabetic Diet Protects Your Feet

How Your Diabetic Diet Protects Your Feet

Your foot health is heavily impacted when you live with diabetes. The condition puts you at risk for many conditions, from infections to blood flow problems. Did you know that eating well to manage your diabetes supports your foot health as well?
Jan 5th, 2022
Home Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Home Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis symptoms include sharp heel pain that can worsen at different times, swelling, and burning and tingling in your heel. It can curtail your activities and affect your gait. Learn about the best in-office and at-home treatments.
Dec 8th, 2021
How Effective Is Foot Reconstruction?

How Effective Is Foot Reconstruction?

Foot reconstruction surgery resolves pain and mobility problems caused by foot deformities and health conditions, like diabetes and arthritis. Read on to learn about the many things a podiatric surgeon can do using innovative surgical solutions.
Oct 7th, 2021
Podiatherm for Plantar Fasciitis: Can It Help?

Podiatherm for Plantar Fasciitis: Can It Help?

The pain, burning, and tingling in your heels that plantar fasciitis brings can lay you flat. Conservative therapies can be ineffective, but Podiatherm, an advanced plantar fasciitis treatment, brings many sufferers quick and lasting relief.
Sep 6th, 2021
All About EPAT® Therapy for Achilles Tendonitis

All About EPAT® Therapy for Achilles Tendonitis

Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology, or EPAT therapy has revolutionized pain relief and healing for people who suffer with Achilles tendonitis, a painful condition marked by lower leg and heel swelling and aching. Learn more here.
Aug 10th, 2021

Recovery From Bunion Surgery: What to Expect

Is your big toe angled in toward your other toes? Does there appear to be a bump at the base of that toe’s joint? You could have a bunion. Read on to learn what bunions are, how they’re treated, and how you can recover from bunion surgery.
Jul 14th, 2021

How to Prevent an Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails can cause excruciating pain and other complications. Read on to learn how you can lower your risk for developing ingrown toenails.
Jun 20th, 2021

6 Treatment Options for Neuromas

If it feels like there’s a rock at the ball of your foot when you walk, you might have a neuroma. Fortunately, there are plenty of effective treatment options available. Read on to learn more.
May 5th, 2021

Who Needs Orthotics?

Orthotics are supportive shoe inserts that can help prevent and treat foot problems, such as bunions. Read on to learn more about their benefits.
Apr 1st, 2021

Do I Have Peripheral Neuropathy?

Did you know that numbness and tingling aren’t the only signs of neuropathy, a condition that results from nerve damage? Read on to learn what neuropathy is, what its symptoms are, and how it can be treated.
Mar 3rd, 2021

5 Helpful Tips to Care For Your Diabetic Foot at Home

If you have diabetes, you have to take special care of your feet, because they can develop problems that can quickly become serious. Learn what you can do at home to properly care for your feet and prevent discomfort and injury.
Feb 7th, 2021

Disrupt Nerve Pain With Radiofrequency Therapy

If you feel persistent pain, burning, and numbness in your feet, your activities can be severely curtailed. Radiofrequency therapy may be able to help you return to pain-free living. Read on to learn more.
Nov 8th, 2020

Recognizing the Signs of Peripheral Artery Disease

High levels of cholesterol can lead to heart attacks and strokes, but did you know that high cholesterol levels can also lead to a potentially serious condition called peripheral artery disease, or PAD? Read on to learn more.
Oct 5th, 2020

5 Tips for Preventing Athlete’s Foot

You don’t have to be an athlete to get athlete’s foot, the condition that can cause itching, burning, and unsightliness. Read on to learn how you can get this fungal infection and how you can help prevent getting it.
Sep 3rd, 2020

Preventing Gout Through Your Diet

Centuries ago, it was thought that only the wealthy were afflicted with gout. However, it was really because of the rich foods and drinks they consumed. Read on to learn which foods you should avoid to reduce your chances of getting gout.
Aug 12th, 2020

Muscle or Tendon Pain? EPAT Can Help

Has tendon or muscle pain in your feet or ankles brought you to the end of your rope? EPAT® therapy may be able to help relieve the pain and restore your mobility. Read on to learn more.
Jul 15th, 2020

Dos and Don'ts When It Comes to Ingrown Toenails

More than just a painful nuisance, an ingrown toenail can lead to a serious infection that requires professional intervention. Read on to learn how to identify an ingrown toenail, how to treat one at home, and when you should get professional care.
Jun 17th, 2020

When Flat Feet Are Problematic

Flat feet don’t pose a problem for many people, but they can lead to pain and walking problems for others. If you’re one of them, there’s help. Read on to learn what causes the condition and the treatments that are available.
May 13th, 2020

Testing for Neuropathy

Do you have itching, numbness, and searing pain, especially in your feet? If you do, you may have neuropathy. Read on to learn what it is and how you can get tested for it.
Mar 9th, 2020

Does Wearing High Heels Really Cause Foot Damage?

Smart and fun as they are, high heels have high risks. Most footwear-based injuries are grossly underreported. Before your fashion turns into a medical issue, consider how your shoes may affect you for years to come.
Jan 9th, 2020

Can I Prevent Diabetic Foot Pain?

Do you have diabetes? Pain in the leg and foot is one of the hallmarks of this chronic disease, and it can get progressively worse as you age. Learn how you can help prevent diabetic foot pain with proper care.
Dec 17th, 2019

Do Bunions Require Surgery?

Bunions are a painful problem that can make everyday activities difficult. When steroids, anti-inflammatories, and physical therapy don’t work, surgery may be your best choice. Learn how surgery can help alleviate your symptoms.
Nov 1st, 2019

How to Tell if You Have a Hammertoe

A hammertoe is a common foot condition that can lead to pain and changes in how your toe looks. It may even affect how your shoes fit. Learn about how to tell if you have a hammertoe and how treatment can help.
Oct 14th, 2019

Preparing Your Home for Foot Surgery

Are you preparing for foot surgery? You need to prepare your home to make sure you can handle your day to day activities without any stress. Keep reading to learn how.
Aug 6th, 2019

Learn About our Cutting-Edge Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Do you have stabbing foot pain in the bottom of your heel? You might have plantar fasciitis, a common condition caused by inflammation in a band of tissue at the bottom of your foot. Fortunately, cutting-edge treatments are helping many patients.
Jun 21st, 2019
3 Painful Foot Conditions That Respond Well to EPAT

3 Painful Foot Conditions That Respond Well to EPAT

Nothing’s better than a high-tech treatment that can address multiple foot issues. One that we love at Premier Foot & Ankle is the innovative EPAT® treatment, which relieves pain and mobility issues related to many conditions. Learn more here.
Jul 19th, 2024

How to Choose the Right Running Shoes

Choosing the right running shoes can make all the difference when it comes to your exercise routine — as well as keeping your feet in top form and avoiding injury. Check out these important tips.
Jul 3rd, 2019