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Try These Activity Modifications to Relieve Your Neuroma Pain

If you suffer from Morton’s neuroma pain, you’re likely all too familiar with constantly feeling like a jagged little pebble is in your shoe, causing you discomfort with every step you take — never mind more advanced symptoms like numbness, burning, tingling, and toes that want to separate from each other and abnormally align.

Don’t assume you’re stuck with neuroma struggles forever, though. Our caring team of expert podiatrists at Premier Foot & Ankle not only understand the unique and hard-to-live-with pain of a neuroma, but we can also do something about it. And there’s a part you can play in relieving your symptoms as well.

Some background on neuromas

It helps to understand the anatomy of your foot to truly get a glimpse of what’s going on when you’re suffering with a neuroma. Most neuroma sufferers notice pain between their third and fourth toe, on the ball of their foot. 

When the tissue that surrounds one of the nerves that leads to your toe thickens, you may not only experience sharp pain, tingling, and loss of sensation in the ball of your foot, but the pain can also extend to your toes, making it quite difficult to walk and move comfortably. 

Things you can do differently to relieve your neuroma pain

Fortunately, in addition to the treatment your Premier Foot & Ankle provider offers, there are steps you can take to find relief. 

1. Nix the heels

Even though walking is an everyday activity, neuroma pain can stop you in your tracks. However, simply switching from sky-high heels to flatter, more comfortable, and less restrictive shoes can reduce your pain and support your long-term comfort.

2. Reevaluate your sports

Certain high-impact sports — think running, court sports like tennis, and even walking for long stints — can exacerbate your neuroma symptoms, so switching things up and engaging in gentler activities that don’t stress your feet can really help. Try easy-on-your-feet lower impact sports like swimming to increase your comfort.

Certain sports, like skiing and rock climbing, also necessitate that you wear tight shoes, which can aggravate your neuroma pain. Just think carefully when you consider what activities you want to participate in and what the effects might be on your feet afterward.

3. Consider orthotics

Whether you’re working out, cleaning the house, or walking your dog, soft, cloud-like shoe inserts can go a long way in relieving the sharp pain of a neuroma. There are even custom-made options available.

4. Follow your doctor’s orders if you have other foot deformities

Certain foot problems like bunions and flat feet make you more prone to developing Morton’s neuroma. Seeking treatment for these conditions from your Premier Foot & Ankle podiatrist can hopefully prevent neuroma issues from ever developing. 

In addition, if your doctor has diagnosed a gait (the way you walk) problem, get it addressed so you don’t develop neuroma. 

5. Add exercises that specifically relieve neuroma pain

There are simple exercises you can do at home to make your feet feel better, including the big toe stretch, where you wrap an exercise band around your big toe while you’re sitting on the floor. Extend your leg, but at the same time gently pull your foot back with the band and push your foot forward using your big toe. 

Another good exercise involves placing a golf ball under your foot while standing and rolling it around. You can change up your indoor exercise routine to include simple moves like these that can help your neuroma discomfort. 

In addition to these modifications you can make, your podiatrist can provide treatments to help with your neuroma, including:

Podiatherm is an innovative treatment that renders your nerve unable to transmit pain signals, while the surgical solution is only for patients who fail to get relief from other treatments.

Between the things you can do to mitigate your neuroma pain and treatments delivered by your podiatrist, living with neuroma discomfort isn’t a done deal. You deserve to be comfortably mobile and pain-free.

Contact one of our five convenient Texas locations to schedule an appointment. Call today or book online anytime.

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